Oh, hey Steve !


When we were about ten years old, you took us to Grey-Y Saturday basketball in the morning. It was fun to pile into your Jeep for a little exercise, McDonalds lunch and a few arcade games and a possible peep show at the Boardwalk before switching to four wheel drive and riding the dunes on the beach.






About 20 cents change back, from the dollar bill we were given for lunch to be used for the arcade across the street.






A few years later, you took me, Pedie and Ray deep sea fishing.


First stop was to catch the bait, never did figure out how you could see the mullet, let alone cast the net to catch them.


Ray was the first person I saw eat sushi.


I caught a decent size fish or we faked it for the camera.


This was the last time I saw John so close to a fish being filleted.




Thanks for the fond memories Steve and Happy Fathers Day bro.












































Happy Fathers Day !